●参加人数記載 2024年(令和6年)5月24日(金)第15回 日本電磁波エネルギー応用学会講演会-日欧における鉄鋼生産と資源利用の新展開のためのマイクロ波利用 ‐

講師の皆様、ご来場者の皆様ありがとうございました。参加人数は、講演会参加者:39 名-うち非会員 10名(うち、協賛団体会員3名)でした。
【日時】2024年5月24日(金) 13:55~18:10
オンライン講演会会場(Zoom Meeting利用)
(決定)IEEE MTT-S Japan/Kansai Nagoya Chapter/ 公益社団法人 化学工学会/
公益社団法人 高分子学会/一般社団法人 資源・素材学会/ 一般社団法人 触媒学会/一般社団法人 日本エレクトロヒートセンター(JEHC) /公益社団法人日本化学会/ 一般社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会
一般社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会
12:30~13:00 総会参加者のZoom入室時間
「特定非営利活動法人日本電磁波エネルギー応用学会 令和5年度定期総会」
13:45~13:55 講演会からの参加者Zoom入室時間
“Can Microwave Heating Technology Contribute to Coal Alternatives and Powdered Raw Material Utilization for Next-Generation Ironmaking?”
講師1 大野光一郎 (九州大学)
Abstract:The challenges of transitioning from coal usage and developing technologies for the direct utilization of powdered raw materials are central to the Green Transformation of ironmaking. This presentation will introduce ongoing research on coal alternatives and direct utilization of powdered ores, while also discussing the advantages and challenges of microwave heating.
“Microwaves as a potential energy source for the co-recycling of electric arc furnace dust with halogenated plastics”
講師2 Dr. Sanad Altarawneh (University of Nottingham)
講演要旨:”The accumulation of metallurgical wastes such as Electric arc furnace dust (EAFD) is considered a direct threat to the environment. Current research is split into hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical routes to mitigate the environmental footprint of EAFD. Both approaches pivot around extracting valuable metals namely zinc and lead leaving behind iron rich residue. The latter has been realised at an industrial scale, however, with large quantities of harmful emissions to the environment along with extensive energy usage. Can the utilisation of microwave energy provide the solution to these challenges leading to less overall energy consumption and a reduced harmful emissions?”
16:00~16:10 休憩
“Biomass-associated reactions with SAIREM microwave equipment: pyrolysis and extraction. Identification of MW effect”
講師3 Dr. Alisa Doroshenko (SAIREM)
講演要旨:Sustainable thermochemical technology for biomass valorisation should be controllable and selective to maximize the value of biomass resources. Microwave heating is an alternative to the traditional conventional processes. However, it possesses improved control and higher selectivity due to a dipolar polarisation heating mechanism.
Here we report a unique microwave system (MicroChem) with a possibility for an optimisation of the applied electric field, which substantially increases the number of samples suitable for homogeneous microwave heating. The integrated solid-state microwave generator has superior advantages over the magnetron-based technology such as operating from 1 W to the maximal power with 1 W step accuracy and choice of the suitable frequency from 2400 MHz to 2500 MHz. The power balance is provided by SAIREM equipment due to real-time monitoring and control of the forwarded, reflected and transmitted power. A combination of precise power control and power balance opens an opportunity to determine thermodynamic and the kinetic constants of the process, monitoring the phase-transition reactions in real-time.
“Microwaves energy as new technology for processing steelmaking sidestreams – Advantages and challenges”
講師4 Dr. Mamdouh Omran (The University of Oulu)
講演要旨:Steel industries generate large streams of by-products wastes annually. These wastes are considered to be hazardous material in many European countries due to their high contents of leachable heavy metals. The environmental regulations force the metal industry to take major steps towards efficient recycling of by-products wastes and prohibiting the wastes landfilling. The current recycling techniques still facing economic, environmental and technical problems due to high energy requirements and high pollution. Recently, microwave energy has been proposed as a new promising method to efficiency recycling steelmaking by products and overcome the disadvantages of traditional recycling methods. In this lecture, a summary of the work related to microwave processing steelmaking sidestreams, and the main challenges need to be resolved in microwave technology to move forward and upscaling this technique from the small laboratory scale to the full production scale.
JEMEA会員・協賛団体会員(前期(4/30(火)迄申込)) | 5,000円 |
JEMEA会員・協賛団体会員(後期(5/1-5/23迄申込)) | 7,000円 |
非会員(学生を除く) | 10,000円 |
学生(JEMEA会員・協賛団体・非会員) | 2,500円 |
懇親会は開催予定ありません |
正会員(個人)7,000円、学生会員 3,000円、正会員(団体)1口40,000円となっております。
(先着順受付 定員(オンライン参加100名) 申込(参加費振込)締切り: 前期4月30日(火)後期登録5月1日-5月23日(木)―最終申し込み締め切り日)
主催 日本電磁波エネルギー応用学会(JEMEA)
理事長 堀越 智(上智大学)
講演会担当 大野光一郎(九州大学)
連絡先 当学会事務局 佐藤
Tel & Fax :03(3414)4554
[ver.20240211][ver.20240210]座長追加[ver.20240328]副題変更・参加登録先リンク[ver.20240510]Abstract 追加][ver.20240518]要旨集DL用バナー追加(現在表紙のみリンク)][ver.20240523]Proceedingsダウンロード開始・アンケート回答画面追加][ver.20240606]5月30日公開の開催報告記事のリンク