日本電磁波エネルギー応用学会 入会申し込みフォーム

基本情報 Basic information

If you are not belonging company of university, you can input as "Personal"

会員種別 membership type: Please select 1 of them
ご氏名(姓) Family name. If you want to be company member, please input person who will be contact person.
ご氏名(名) First name
ご氏名(姓) ふりがな Japanese only.(English user, please input family name again)
ご氏名(名) ふりがな Japanese only.(English user, please input first name again.)
郵便番号 Prefecture code or zip code.
If you don't have, please input as 100-0000
住所 Address
所属 Name of company or university
部門 Department: ex.Sales and marketing division / Prof.xxx's laboratory
メールアドレス Email address
電話番号 Telephone number - -

手続き情報 Procedure of payment

入会金・年会費請求書の捺印済み書類郵送必要の有無 Necessity of Invoice.(Entry fee and annual membership fee.)
書類送付先郵便番号 Address where we want to send invoice -
ご担当者氏名 Name of person who will in charge of payment

追加情報 Additional information. All of them are option


年代 Age
性別 Sex
専門分野 Area of expertise
他学会の入会情報 Name of Academic society which you are belonging
入会のきっかけ Motive of applying JEMEA member
