●May 26/2023 The 14th JEMEA Lecture MTG-Microwave plasma enhanced CVD Technology foresight of Artificial Diamond-

【Information from JEMEA】
Lecture title will be shown immediately after getting information from lecturer.
【Date】 May.26/2023 13:50~16:30
Online JEMEA Lecture MTG site(Zoom Meeting)
(After registration, you’ll receive information about connection, password for proceedings. Deadline of registration: May 25(Thu)
This course will be held completely online. It’s a lecturer who can’t usually hear it, so please join us on this occasion. We look forward to your active participation, whether you are a JEMEA member or non-member.
【Host】Japan Society of Electromagnetic Wave Energy Applications (JEMEA)
【Cooperative organization】IEEE MTT-S Japan/Kansai/Nagoya Chapter
The Chemical Society of Japan
The Japan Society of Applied Physics
The Surface Finishing Society of Japan
The Chemical Society of Japan
The Japan Society of Applied Physics
The Surface Finishing Society of Japan
【Program and Abstract】
12:30~13:00 Connection time for attendee of JEMEA Regular General meeting.
「JEMEA Regular General Meeting」
(Only JEMEA member can connect.)
13:30~13:50 Zoom Connection time for attendee of Lecture meeting
【Chair -First half: Professor Susumu Sato(Saitama Institute of Technology)】
“Preparation of diamond using microwave plasma CVD”
Lectyrer1: Yukihiro Sakamoto (Chiba Institute of Technology)
Abstract: Effect of reaction gas on diamond synthesis using microwave plasma CVD and control of electrical resistance of b-doped diamond in microwave plasma CVD and boron-doped diamond synthesis by various types of CVD will be introduced.
14:35~14:45 Break
※For paying registration fee, you need bank transfer.(Deadline: Early registration(4/28(Fri), Latter registration(5/25(thu). After registration, auto-response e-mail including Bank account number for registration fee will be arrived. (MUFJ Bank). After bank transfer, you will get Zoom ※If you are JEMEA member, you can pay JEMEA annual fee with attendance fee. JEMEA annual fee(2023) ※For non-member, if you want to be JEMEA member, please see below. (Capacity: 100 (Online) On a first-come-first-served basis) Deadline of registration(Bank transfer): Early registration(4/28(Fri))、Latter registration :From 4/29-5/25(Thu)―Final deadline) Contact: Ms.Sato, JEMEA bureau [ver.20230218]
【Chair-latter half: Professor Yukihiro Sakamoto (Chiba Institute of Technology)】14:45~15:15
“Cultivating MPCVD Diamond by an Innovative Structure Design with Power Combination of Two Microwave Sources”
Lecture2: Bob, H. Y. Chen General Manager (Wave Power Technology Inc.)
*English-No interpreter
Abstract:High power microwave has recently been used in cultivating artificial MPCVD diamond, either using a single solid state source or a magnetron source. As higher microwave power is needed, less choice of microwave source is limited by off-the-shelf availability from suppliers if not taking into account the factor of a higher cost. Another inherent drawback with microwave application is the inevitable non-uniformity associated with those parasitic cold spots and hot spots of cavity type applicator. We propose an innovative structure design with power combination of two microwave sources to provide a solution for foregoing ever-present limits in cultivating MPCVD diamond. A higher total microwave power could be fed into process chamber which resides a large area of more uniform microwave distribution. Plasma could be ignited over a large area and stably exists at a vertical position far away from the surface of a typically used quartz window disk. Therefore, it could significantly prevent the quartz window disk from being damaged by unstable plasma in case when MPCVD process is going on.
“Single-crystal diamond synthesis equipment for semiconductor devices”
Lecturer3:Yoshiyasu Kojima(ARIOS INC.)
Abstract:We develop microwave plasma CVD equipment for high-purity diamond synthesis.
We have succeeded in synthesizing single-crystal diamond at a high speed of more than 300 μm/h.
Currently, We are also developing equipment with a growth area of 2 inches in diameter.15:40~16:05
“Real-time non-contact plasma monitoring by microwave impedance measurement. ”
Lecturer4: Kohta Kusaba (NIHONKOSHUHA Co.,Ltd)
Abstract: Microwave Load Measuring is one of the methods of real-time non-contact plasma monitoring for microwave plasma process.
In this session, usefulness and shortcomings of plasma monitoring by load impedance measurement are discussed.16:05~16:30
“Custom – made diamond, only one in the world ”
Lecturer5: Tomo Hikichi/Mai Imamiya(COCODIA JAPAN CO.,LTD)
Abstract: Our company synthesize diamond from solid carbon sources such as pet hair in order to prepare ” custom – made diamond, only one in the world “. In this presentation, this concept and preparation method will be presented.
【Banquet】 JEMEA will not hold
【Attendance fee (With Proceeding download password)】-Tax included, issue receipt
JEMEA & cooperative organization member (Early Registration (Deadline: April.28(Fri)) ¥5,000- JEMEA & cooperative organization member (Latter Registration(From April 29-May 25) ¥7,000- Non-member(Regular) ¥10,000- Student(JEMEA/cooperative organization member/non-member) ¥2,500- JEMEA will not hold online mixer.
connection information and receipt. If you need invoice, please inform JEMEA by using registration site.
If you can’t attend JEMEA lecture meeting after registration, you can’t cancel registration, but you can
download proceedings.
Regular ¥7,000-、Student member ¥3,000-、Corporate member 1口40,000円となっております。
【Solicitation for JEMEA Member】
【Apply for JEMEA Membership】【Registration for Lecture Meeting】
【Registration for Lecture Meeting】
【Host】Japan Society of Electromagnetic Wave Energy Applications (JEMEA)
Tel &Fax :03(3414)4554
Handy Phone:090(2739)8621