Message from JEMEA’s President -Prof. Satoshi HORIKOSHI
Fire played a crucial role in the development of civilization. It provided heat and light for humankind, and later developed into the basis of industries based on combustion. However, combustion produces a by-product, CO2, which promotes deleterious changes in the global environment. At present, it is necessary to replace combustion-based energy with energy that is CO2-free and has higher exergy efficiency. Electromagnetic wave energy has been attracting attention as a candidate.
The Japan Society of Electromagnetic Wave Energy Applications (JEMEA) was established in 2006 for the purpose of utilizing this electromagnetic wave energy and was certified by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as an NPO in 2007. The purpose of our society is to build a technological foundation for electromagnetic energy application, whilst promoting its practical applications, and contribute to the promotion of social and public interests. Nicknamed JEMEA by its members, it is an academic organization that regularly holds lectures and study groups in addition to symposia.
With shared interests to utilize and apply electromagnetic wave (mainly microwave) energy, the number of members in various fields gathered exceeds 170, creating new academic value through interdisciplinary fusion, and creating innovation through collaboration with industry and government. It is also responsible for an important training platform. The 14 directors serve as contact points in various fields, gathering requests from members and implementing them. In addition, JEMEA is a member of the global organization (MAJIC) formed by the academic associations related to the use of microwave energy and disseminates information and trends from around the world to its members.
JEMEA is a platform where researchers and engineers with seeds and needs can gather, hold discussions across disciplines, and work together toward their respective goals. Because the term “VUCA era” has become even more relevant these days, JEMEA’s existence, which enables interdisciplinary fusion, information gathering and dissemination, is of great significance, and all directors will continue to cooperate within the motto “for members, with members.” We would like to run an academic society that fits to current times.
May 27, 2022
Japan Society of Electromagnetic Wave Energy Applications (JEMEA)
President Satoshi HORIKOSHI (Professor)

JEMEA President HORIKOSHI Satoshi