●10/13-15 The 15th JEMEA Symposium(Online)

【Information from the 15th Symposium Organizing Committee】
●Considering spread of the COVIT-19, JEMEA decided to hold Sympo2020 as online symposium.
●JEMEA opened home page of “Short Course on Oct.13(Wed) with abstracts of 4 lecturer. Please click 「ショートコースHP」(Purple)banner.
●Invited Speaker has decided : Professor Bela Torok, PhD(Department of Chemistry University of Massachusetts Boston) Title:“Microwave Activation in Green and Sustainable Applications” on Oct.15(early morning.)
【Host】Japan Society of Electromagnetic Wave Energy Applications (JEMEA)
【Cooperative organization】
IEEE MTT-S Japan/Kansai Chapter
Catalysis Society of Japan
The Ceramic Society of japan
The Chemical Society of Japan
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
Japan Society For The Promotion of Science R024 committee on Electromagnetic-Field-Excited Reaction Fields
The Society of Chemical Engineering, Japan
The Society of Nano Science and Technology, Japan
IEEE MTT-S Nagoya Chapter
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, linear Drives Technical Committee
The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, JAPAN(SSOCJ)
(Under negotiation)
10/13(Wed)-10/15(Fri.) Short Course, Symposium and Equipment display @Online.
10/13(Wed) Short Couse: “New trends of Microwave Technologies – AI/MI & Bio Integration”
10/14(Thu)~10/15(Fri) Symposium and Equipment display @Online.
10/14(Thu) evening. Get-together & discussion @online.
Sympo2021 Site (Zoom)
Japan Society of Electromagnetic Wave Energy Applications (JEMEA)hold annual Symposium, each symposium welcome over 200 researchers from both home and abroad. Sympo2020 was first online symposium due to COVID-19. But it ends successfully thanks to attendees. This year, JEMEA reserved Kitakyushu International Conference Center at Fukuoka, but for to prevent COVID-19 further spread, JEMEA decided to switch Sympo2021 as online symposium. This year JEMEA decided to hold “Short presentation time” before poster session. We will brush up Symposium by making use of Sympo2020’s experience.
JEMEA is one of the most important domestic Society which deal with science & technology about Microwave energy Applications. We recommend this Symposium to those who want to exchange novel information and technology about Microwave Energy applications. We are waiting for your presentation, and participation.
During Symposium, equipment displays are scheduled also.
(We will show latest information on this Home page.)
Start | Stop | Status | |
Abstract Submission | June 1(Tue) | July 16(Fri)23:59 | Abstract Submission: Closed |
Equipment display and ad registratoin | June 1(Tue) | Aug.13(Fri) | Equipment Display and ad registrationく |
Acceptance notice oral/poster presentation | July 30(Fri)-plannning | ||
Paper submission and Camera-ready master for advertisement | Aug.2(Mon) | Aug.13(Fri) | Paper submission site |
Early registration | June 1(Tue) | Aug.20(Fri) Deadline of bank transfer Aug.31(Tue) | Early registration was closed |
Latter registration | Aug.21(Sat) | Sep.27(Mon) Deadline of Bank transfer: Sep.30(Thu) | Latter registration site |
- Final deadline of registration is Sep.27(Mon). Registration fee needs bank transfer by deadline.
- Proceedings can be downloaded from Oct.13(Wed.) JEMEA will announce for details later.。
- Please forgive us if symposium committee need to change those dates.
【Oral/Poster program】
【Short Course program on Oct.13】
【Sympo2021 Oral & poster program from Oct.14 to Oct.15】
【Sympo2021(Online)Short Course and oral program(10/13-15)in Japanese】
【Sympo2021(Online)Poster program(10/14)in Japanese】
Oral Presentation
Please make 15 minutes’ research presentation ( + 5minutes’ Q&A) . After adopted as oral presenter of Sympo2021, please submit 2-page papers by using .docx form are downloadable from Sympo20201homepage. When submission, please upload both .docx file and .PDF file to a sympo2021 website. Sympo2021 is online, please share your slide on the screen with audience during your presentation.
Poster presentation
Please prepare poster, in 1-page data . For about short presentation, JEMEA will inform on July 30, to presenter .
【Abstract Submission】Deadline: July 9(Fri)→July 16(Fri)23:59 Final deaeline
【Abstract submission site was closed】
Format of 2 page papers (Accepted presenters must submit 2-page papers by Aug.11(Fri).
Japanese Format
Download English Version Template
【Paper Submission site】
JEMEA will give following awards to excellent oral/poster presenter※.
※Award winner should be JEMEA member.(Company/Regular/student members)
<Research Encouragement>
<Best Presentation Award>
<Best Poster Award>
【Registration Fee】
Registration Fee (Tax included/Issue receipt )
Banquet Fee= ¥0 (All the Symposium attendees are invited)
Type | Early registration (By Aug.20(fri)) | latter registration(Aug.21-Sep.27) | |||
Short Course (10/13) | Symposium (10/14-15) | Short Course (10/13) | Symposium (10/14-15) | ||
JEMEA & cooperative organization member | Regular | ¥5,000 | ¥8,000 | ¥7,000 | ¥11,000 |
Student | ¥2,000 | ¥4,000 | ¥4,000 | ¥6,000 | |
Non-member | Regular | ¥7,000 | ¥15,000 | ¥9,000 | ¥20,000 |
Student | ¥3,000 | ¥6,000 | ¥5,000 | ¥8,000 |
- For paying registration fee, you need bank transfer.
- After registration, auto-response e-mail including Bank account number for registration fee will be arrived. (MUFJ Bank)
- Member of cooperative organization adapt same price as JEMEA member. (Please input your belonging society’s name when registration.
- Symposium’s attendee can download Sympo2021 proceedings from Oct.13.(JEMEA will not issue book form.)
- JEMEA will not refund registration fee after bank transfer but inform URL for to download proceedings.
- Oral presenter of Sympo2021 are limited only to JEMEA members or those who get approval from JEMEA.However, Poster presenters are excluded, non-JEMEA member can apply. Eligibility for Award (Research Encouragement, Best Presentation and Best Poster will be limited only JEMEA member.(Apply for JEMEA member) Application form
- For about invoice or receipt, if you need the below request, please input your comment within “Remarks” column.
- If you need to change address to receipt from “ Affiliation + name”.
- If you need Invoice before bank transfer. Please inform JEMEA by using remarks column.
- If you need to change address to Invoice from “Affiliation” or change mailing address.
(Before mailing invoice, Symposium office will contact you for to confirm due date of bank transfer.) - JEMEA will mail receipt to Sympo2021 attendees after Oct.18.
【Equipment display and Advertisement 】
Deadline Aug.13(Fri)(7/13 extended.)
【Pamphlet Equipment display and advertisement for Online】
【registration of Equipment display and advertisement】
For JEMEA Company member, JEMEA will prepare special price for advertisement.
【The 15th JEMEA Symposium Organizing Committee Member】
Chair: Kazutoshi Ikenaga (Sojo Univ.)
Vice Chair:Shokichi Ohuchi(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Member(Alphabetical order):Yusuke Asakuma(Hyogo Univ.)、Koichiro Ohno(Kyushu Univ.)、Jun Fukushima(Tohoku Univ.)、
Takero Yoshimura(Sida・FDS)
Adviser:Masaharu Tsuji(Kyushu Univ.)
Secretariat: Yoko Sato (JEMEA Office)
Sympo2021 executive committee
E-mail:sympo2021@jemea.org (Secretariat)
You can make all the registration about Symposium from JEMEA homepage.
Sympo2021 office
10/13-10/15/ JEMEA Sympo2021@Online
Mail to:sympo2021@jemea.org
[20210722][20210903 update]
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