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                ●In Cooperation: ISPlasma2022・IC-PLANTS2022(2022 3/6-3/10@Online)

                ISPlasma2022 / IC-PLANTS2022 in cooperation with JEMEA will be held from Mar.6-10/2022. (Online)

                【Hpme page of ISPlasma2022】 

                【Call for Papers 】 


                On-site registration is available, see registration fee below.

                【Registration fee】
                General: JPY 50,000
                Student:JPY 20,000

                【Registration 】 From ISPlasma2022 home;age

                 【Registration Site】 

                【HOST】The Japan Society of Applied Physics

                Please join ISPlasma 2022.
                JEMEA will add new information on this article as soon as getting from ISPLasma bureau.

                If you have any questions, please contact ISPlasma2022 Secretariat.

                Contact: ISPlasma2020/IC-PLANTS2020 Secretariat (Inter Group Coro.)

                【Contact point (E-mail address)】


                Japan Society of Electromaginetic wave Energy Applications

                [ver.20220217 ]